Friday, December 25, 2015

1:23 PM - No comments


Ideas is any result of mental activity: a thought,a notion or a conception in mind of something to be done ,a plan for doing something or an intention.

Every being on earth has the high rate of creating an Idea,in other that,it can be use in creating a solution that will be employed in solving certain problems in our generation or in our personal life. But,because of low self-esteem,one de-values himself of not acquiring any idea from his mind. Many people conceive a great idea in life,but because they show no or less respect to their idea,the idea will just disappear into the thin air.

However,so many principle we apply in life are ideas that are brought forward by men that never under-rated themselves even for a day.
"Every idea is Ideal but can only be null,if only that its application to a particular problem,does not give a desired solution"-Emmakudos

The respect given to your ideas can result in building up your self-esteem. A times we feel embarrassed as a result of the idea we lay before our mates,which might not suite the particular problem at hand. But never loose interest in bringing up ideas."if your idea does not suite the present problem,look for another or reserve It for tomorrow's challenges"-kudos

Your life can be an archeotype,which another man can employ to increase his own knowledge about his/ her life's discomfort,which might end up,making you to sit with men of greater ambition. Things around you were modified by men like you it doesn't matter how poor you perform."A times failure has to occur in other that,your success will give a very high beat.
Your idea is always needed and important.
Never let yourself down.