Monday, April 18, 2016

7:49 PM - No comments


The power of our dream
Draws us closer to our desires
It seems that we can't achieve anything
Due to passion. I just discovered lately,...
That I can do what I was thinking that I can't do

I seek for a mentor but I found none.
I always feel a man within me
He says 'No' and 'Yes' when I take decisions
Does it mean that I'm mentally ill?
No, it can't be. I'm driven by my dream.

Oh, I'm tired. I can't rise from my bed.
But I can only see myself lazy about
By just staying alone and gazing the beauty of nature.
I discovered I can only soliloquize and laugh to myself.
The passer-by shouted "The boy is insane"

Sir? I'm not insane. I'm just talking to the audience.
where are they? Is unfortunate sir
You can't view my imaginations and see what I'm longing for.
Until you're crazy for what you're longing for, you can't achieve it, the man said.
Can that make me feel that I'm almost at the verge of achieving my goals?