Wednesday, September 14, 2016

6:20 PM - No comments

Generating Motivation Through Discipline

It impossible to talk about this broad heading without knowing what "motivation" is.

Motivation is simply the reason for a person's action or behaviour.In other words anything that is capable of boosting your inmost spirit or that encourages you whilst doing something perform are the positive factors or ways of generating motivation. In that sense too you can concur with me that the person's actions or behaviour is either positive or negative.

So there are many ways of generating motivation but i will highlight just one of them. I termed it "three-self D.E.P"; Meaning self-discipline,self-encouragement and self-promotion.

It is prerequisite we know that no one can be motivated positively if the person is not disciplined and principled.
"Undisciplined and unprincipled individuals are bound to produce negative actions and
behaviours"-Josh Bueze.

It is so because they motivation was not in a disciplined way. Discipline goes with principles. When you self-discipline yourself,you generate motivation from your inmost spirit. Disciplined individuals are focused,have tangible reasons to do anything and the good ways of doing that without causing catastrophe or harming others. 
Self-encouragement and self-promotion most times work hand in hand with each other. The best encouragement comes from within. Self-encouragement deals with "faith and trust in God". A self-encouraged individual knows "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me".

In another advanced level, self-promotion is there to make him or her think and dream in the right manner. The person sets visions that he or she will be able to feature in. At this stage, the person has visualized the position he or she will be after performing an action. He or she has promoted himself or herself in the spiritual realm and in reality the action will be effective and
"What you dream and talks about each time is likely what you will
become"-Josh Bueze

Written by Joshua Edwards