Friday, December 11, 2015

11:28 AM - No comments


      To every single talent you have, is equal to millions of opportunities. Talent is so much appreciated all over the world, and most of the high-profiled personalities in the world that is being celebrated are actually men that stand to display their natural abilities. Talent is simply defined as a natural ability to do something well. From the definition, I’ll pick-point ‘natural’ because it means that it is something that exists as a result of the way that the supreme being had made it to be. Maximization means to increase something as much as possible. When I hear people say maximizing your potential, it gives less or no meaning to the hearer, if not elaborated intuitively.
       “Maximization is all about increasing the efficiency of the potential that makes you unique"  -Emmakudos
             The christian's spiritual book narrated a parable about the talent, being shared between three servants by their master before he traveled to a very far country. It is true that each of them were not apportioned an equal number of talents but afterwards there’s a lesson behind it. The first servant was offered 5 talents, the second was also offered 2 talents and the third received 1 talent. But the question here is; is their any partiality according to the way that their master shared the talent?
ANSWER: There was no partiality because when a responsibility is assigned to someone, he or she has an equal grace to work it out and secondly, it is more risky for the man that acquired 5 talents to work for another one out of the five.
               “To whom much is given,much is expected of him”- to that effect,the man that was offered five talents gathered the momentum to work harder,deny himself and remain focused to work things out and also to the servant with 2 talents. What can we say about the man with 1 talent? He was assigned with a smaller responsibilities but he was afraid and not capable enough to work things out. The time of working out your talent might be the time of your adversary because many challenges will emerge.
                 “He that fainteth in the days of adversary, his faith is small”
No matter how negligible your talent is, you got the ability from God to make it bigger and something, for God created something out of nothing but here you have something to work with, but you com plain that you have only little to work with. It is very painful.

         The major secret behind the increase of their talent was that, they worked efficiently with their natural abilities to gain more. They know that keeping their talent idle and buried like that of the third servant breeds no result and makes everything stagnant.
-They were optimistic about everything
-They engaged their natural abilities
-They invested wisely.
-Their present position (SERVANT) then, did not limit their actions to make their life valuable.
-They managed their time well.
-They were risk takers.
-They saw opportunities in every of their obstacles and mountains
-They saw themselves the way they were intended to be seen, despite their present predi                 cament as a servant.

He was myopic enough, not to recognize that the investment of the talent issued to him, can be maximized. And for that reason, he went and buried his talent.
-Afraid of taking risk
-He was myopic
-He was pessimistic about the whole issue.
-He saw difficulties in the midst of opportunities.
 The story continued that their master came back to access them. The first and the second servant was fortunate enough to have being granted access to the produce of their extra-talent they worked for. Now, sad news to the third servant by their master. He was ordered to be cast to the hell of fire, where there was gnashing of teeth.
                    However, this implies that when you fail to manage your talent, you’ll suffer the repercussion later in life, that there will not be enough resources to sustain yourself.
            “Hell fire is not only meant for sinners but also for people that fail to maximize their talents”   -EVANS PROMISE.