Thursday, February 18, 2016

8:52 AM - No comments


Naturally,greatness is very weak,lazy,sluggish and very dormant. I've actually tried to give a second thought about ones GREATNESS and I discovered that,greatness lies in a resting position and dormant inside of you which can never generate any achievement on her own,unless you've subjected yourself to personal development.

Now,even the truck-pushers,touts in the streets and many more that seems to be surfaced with diverse circumstances are not out of greatness but the major difference between the achievers and the less achievers is that they tried everything possible to see that the greatness inside of them were tamed to be strong and was fed properly with the necessary diet,which is continuous development. Embracing of high values is another way of activating your greatness.

"Your greatness remains inactive,until you feed her properly with the balance diet which is persistent and continuous development"
-Emmanuel Akudolu.